Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Why we can't win a war in America....

I was almost ashamed of the recent emphasis put on the premier of the iPhone.

It was on every evening newscast. I heard that even the mayor of Philadelphia, was in line to purchase....a phone!

Let me say that again..... a PHONE !!

Well, I guess he was in line until someone questioned WHY he would waste his time in line, when there was so much crime in the city. That's what I heard reported at least.

Now normally this wouldn't have bothered me, and would have rather amused me, except that the other big news that day had to do with the failure of the U.S. Senate to pass any kind of immigration reform. Then the news pundits started analyzing WHY the bill couldn't pass. And that nothing can seem to get through congress anymore...even a bill with bipartisan support.

That started me thinking....it really does seem like we can not get ANYTHING accomplished in the U.S. anymore.

New Orleans cleaned up...................................nope
Affordable health care for all............................nope
Immigration reform..........................................nope
Ending the war...................................................nope
Affordable college education.............................nope
Home mortgage crisis fixed..............................nope

Why can't anything get done on these issues?
Why doesn't the American people rise up and yell out to the politicians....


I think it's because everyone is just "too busy".... waiting in line for their iPhones!!!

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